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Inclusion of Name of Nonlawyer Partner in Firm Name

Assuming compliance with the requirements of 规则5.4(b), the name of a nonlawyer partner may be included in the name of a law firm. 然而, the firm must make clear on firm stationery, 名片 还有专业列表 that 的nonlawyer partner is not a lawyer.


  • 规则5.4(b) (Practice with Nonlawyers)
  • 规则7.5(公司名称及信头)


爱问的靠谱的滚球平台, 我们称他为史密斯, is a sole practitioner in the District of Columbia. He proposes to form a partnership with a nonlawyer, 我们称他为琼斯, to provide legal services to clients in personal injury and property damage cases. 琼斯, 经验丰富的调查员, 会否提供各种调查服务,例如拍摄事故现场照片,以及与客户及证人面谈. 他还将进行非法律研究,并为准备审判和和解谈判案件提供行政协助. These support services will be related solely to Smith’s practice of law. Smith and 琼斯 will enter into a written agreement that will specify that the sole purpose of the partnership is the provision of legal services to clients; that 琼斯 will abide by the 职业行为准则; and that Smith will undertake to be responsible for 琼斯’s compliance.

The proposed partnership will be called “Smith & 琼斯”或“史密斯” & 琼斯的同事.或者,史密斯可以成立一个专业公司,这个公司被称为“史密斯” & 琼斯,P.A.” Such a professional corporation would be owned by Smith, and 琼斯 would contract with the corporate entity, 以及史密斯本人, for the provision of his nonlegal services in return for a share of fees. 琼斯 would be designated as “Chief Administrator” of the corporate entity.


调查提出的问题是(1)拟议的安排是否符合规则5.4(b); (2) whether the name of 琼斯, 的nonlawyer, may be included in the firm name; and if so, (3)律所是否必须采取积极措施向客户和潜在客户表明琼斯不是靠谱的滚球平台.

First, we find that the proposed arrangement comports with 规则5.第4(b)条规定:

靠谱的滚球平台可以在合伙企业或其他形式的组织中执业,在这些组织中,财务利益或管理权由个人非靠谱的滚球平台行使,这些个人非靠谱的滚球平台提供专业服务,协助组织向客户提供法律服务, 但前提是:

(4) The foregoing conditions are set forth in writing.

这条规则, unique to the District of Columbia, 允许靠谱的滚球平台在满足特定条件的情况下成立合伙人或其他非靠谱的滚球平台有经济利益的组织. On the basis of the representations made by the inquiring lawyer, it appears that those conditions are met in this case. 史密斯的生意 & 琼斯 will be limited to the provision of legal services to clients; 琼斯 will undertake to comply with the 职业行为准则; Smith will undertake to assure that compliance; and these undertakings will be set forth in writing.

The next question is whether 琼斯’s name may appear in the firm name. 规则5中没有.(四)或者对规则的评注建议,非靠谱的滚球平台合伙人的姓名不得出现在公司名称中. 问题依然存在, 然而, 在合伙企业或其他致力于提供法律服务的组织的名称中包含非靠谱的滚球平台的名称是否具有固有的误导性. 规则7.5(a) provides that “a lawyer shall not use a firm name, 信头, or other professional designation that violates 规则7.1.规则7.1(a), 反过来, 在相关部分规定,“靠谱的滚球平台不得就靠谱的滚球平台靠谱的滚球平台的服务作出虚假或误导性的沟通。. 在下列情况下,通信是虚假或误导性的:(1)包含对事实或法律的重大失实陈述, 或遗漏必要的事实,使陈述整体上不具有重大误导性.”

意见No. 45 (1978), issued under the former Code of Professional Responsibility, we held that the name of a nonlawyer could not appear in a law firm name. 然而, 该意见是基于DR 2-102(B)的解释,即明确将公司名称限制为“公司内靠谱的滚球平台”的名称.”1 And it was also influenced by the explicit prohibition of DR 3-103(A), 其中规定“如果合伙的任何活动包括法律业务,靠谱的滚球平台不得与非靠谱的滚球平台合伙”.”

然而,根据目前生效的《靠谱的滚球平台》,情况就大不相同了. The traditional bar against partnerships with nonlawyers has been eliminated by 规则5.4(b). 《靠谱的足球滚球平台》关于公司名称的详细限制已被规则7所取代.1 with the general injunction not to mislead. 鉴于这些变化, 我们认为,在致力于为客户提供法律服务并在所有其他方面符合规则5的合伙企业的公司名称中包含非靠谱的滚球平台合伙人的名称不再具有误导性.4(b). 靠谱的滚球平台事务所的名称构成了该事务所从事法律服务的隐含陈述, 但, 给定规则5.在第4(b)条的规定下,并不必然构成事务所的每一位合伙人都是靠谱的滚球平台的陈述.

尽管如此, we believe that if the name of a nonlawyer partner is included in the firm name, there is some possibility of misunderstanding unless an appropriate disclosure is made. In such a case the firm must make an appropriate disclosure, 抬头牢固, 名片, 还有专业列表, that the firm includes a nonlawyer partner. If individual names are not listed on the 信头, the fact that a nonlawyer is a name partner must be indicated in some fashion—e.g., by adding the phrase “a partnership including a nonlawyer” after the firm name.2 当然, 无论如何, if individual names are listed on the 信头, 名片或公司名单, any listed nonlawyer partner should be identified in an appropriate manner—e.g.,“调查员”,“公司管理人”,“经济学家”——这表明他或她不是靠谱的滚球平台. 见意见No. 7月19日, 1977) (nonlawyer patent agent employed by law firm may be listed 抬头牢固 followed by the designation “patent agent”); ABA Informal Opinion 89-1527 (Feb. 22, (非靠谱的滚球平台身份的执行董事可以在抬头牢固的信纸和名片上列出, 只要列明此人非靠谱的滚球平台或仅负责办公室管理).

调查没有. 92-11-46


1. DR 2-102(B) at the time provided, 在相关部分, that “a lawyer in private practice shall not practice under a trade name, 对靠谱的滚球平台或以该名义执业的靠谱的滚球平台的身份具有误导性的名称, 或事务所名称中包含除事务所内一名或多名靠谱的滚球平台以外的姓名.(加重语气).
2. We do not reach the question of what disclosure, 如果有任何, 需要在非靠谱的滚球平台为合伙人的公司的情况下,但没有包括在公司名称中,也没有在信笺上列出.
